Juvenile Court

General Information

The Baldwin County Juvenile Court handles cases in which a minor is:

  • Cited or arrested by a law enforcement agency for allegedly violating the law. Additionally, school officials and private citizens who have knowledge of the facts of the reported allegations of any criminal act may file a complaint. These cases are referred to as “delinquent” cases, and involve minors under the age of 17.
  • Habitually absent from school without a legal excuse. The Court also hears “unruly” cases, in which a minor either leaves their home without parental consent, or is habitually disobedient of the reasonable and unlawful commands of his or her parents, legal custodian or guardian.
  • Removed from the custody of their parent or legal guardian because of allegations of abuse or neglect. These cases are referred to as “dependency” cases and involve minors under the age of 18.